Member-only story
Flare-on 11 (2024)
Write-up for my (incomplete) attempt
Now that flare-on has ended, here is my version of write-up~
(Only up to challenge 4 though)
While I did not complete the CTF, I am glad I attempted it up to where I left off. Challenge 5 alone was enough for me to learn multiple areas of computer forensics, and I got to shallow dive into javascript deobsfucation, yara rules, and Golang binaries with the rest.
Wednesday, 2 October 2024
Romanticize your process to get addicted
I’m on the throes of flare on 11 at challenge 5.
I saw randomly a quote that goes like this “Get addicted: You need to romanticize your process”. Which hits hard.
I shall dedicate time to recreate the process and document them. Perhaps the easiest way now is to record as much as I can of whatever I kept.
Challenge 1:
This is the frog challenge: I simply observe the python code to realise there are a series of bricks that were defined as false, with two strangely true. Since the wall that surrounds the statue is surrounded by two walls, one within the other, I figured, there are two invisible holes.